
Showing posts from July, 2023


History has had a long line of wizard-kings to terrorize and steer it, demented bastards with an ego so great that the world was forced to orbit them; in this way, they are completely identical to normal kings, save for an ability to make that last line more than just a metaphor. There have been efforts to trace this line back to its origin point, the one who inspired every subsequent ruling magus. There's the Serpent-Men, of course, who were basically an entire species of wizard-kings, but they're nearly all dead these days and they weren't human, anyways, so they don't count. The reason they're basically extinct was a man, the very first wizard-king. He was called  Bringer of Fire ,  Torchbearer , but his first and favorite name was Arum . Charles R. Knight Near the end of the Serpent-Empires, humanity as a species was in a pretty sorry state. Well, they were doing worse before that, what with being chattel slaves and livestock to inhuman blood-drinking monsters a...


If I wanted to kill you with my mind, I could. So consider that next time you disagree with me online, butthead. But that's neither here nor there. The Upper Seas may be a sparse frontier, mostly untouched by Earth's nations and unformed by human perception, but there are landmarks and settlements nonetheless. If you want to view the stars or stay out of the reach of the law, there's no better place to be. Fort Kunosoura. A fortified monastery built on a fragment of a meteor that would have surely brought the end of days had it not been skipped off of the Upper Seas like a stone on a pond by the Knights Gravitational , who built the fortress in ancient times as a monument to their victory and as a means to more effectively practice their astrological studies. Their successors are still here, diminished in number and growing old, but still an influential military force of the Firmament. Their heavy armor allows them to hover in the air, as the Knights forge it from meteors t...