I rise from the hoary abyss, teeth gnashing at the air. Also, Hoop Snakes.

 Howdy, all. I am the wicked scoundrel known as AQUALUNG, and this is my totally awesome RPG blog that I may occasionally write stuff on. What kind of stuff?

MONSTERS. For DELTA GREEN, and occasionally OSRs and stuff. Expect more posts in the future, probably from my backlog of already-created monsters until I can cook up some new stuff.

Here's a little appetizer of things to come:

HOOP SNAKE - Serpent-Mankind's Most Irritating Mistake.

STR 5 CON 5 DEX 10 POW 5

HP 5 WP 5

SKILLS: Alertness 60%, Climb 50%, Dodge 50%, Stealth 90%, Swim 50%.

ATTACKS: Bite or Sting (70%, 1 damage and see VENOM)

KEEP ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN: On a downhill slope, a Hoop Snake is capable of grasping its own tail with its mouth and rolling roughly as fast as a human being can run, though they can easily overtake a human when going down a particularly steep slope.

VENOM: A bite or sting attack that rolls an odd number injects poison with a Speed of 1D4 hours and Lethality 15%. The symptoms are agonizing involuntary muscle contractions which force the victim into a curled-up position, as if they are trying to twist into the shape of a hoop.

Genetically engineered by the Serpent-Men of Valusia as an entertaining pet or home defense device, the Hoop Snakes somehow managed to survive the fall of their creators and lived on well into the modern day, although their population has thankfully remained small. Most of their dwindling number remains in the wilderness, drawn to forgotten burial mounds by urges their tiny lizard brains cannot fathom, waiting for commands that are no longer sent.

There's a fair chance that the Hoop Snakes will be discovered by humanity, and while their strange rolling behavior and peculiar venom will certainly garner interest, the clear signs of outside meddling in their genetic code will be the real star of the scientific media circus. Thumbprints on the wet clay of biology that will catch the eye of not just the scientific community, but Delta Green.


Primeumaton Greatest Hits

LIGHTNING'S HAND (GLOG class: Unfettered Paladin)

Rising Above One's Station (Class: Exhumed)

Hearts Now Cased in Steel (GLOG class: Monk)