There's a natural, inherent appreciation in the back parts of the human mind for well-weighted sticks. It's just an evolutionary advantage to know a good bludgeoning stick when you see one.

We never needed to move past that. Swords? Maces? Bullshit. Baby piss tools for weak people who can't kill with an honest piece of wood. They wouldn't survive for a day if things really got bad. You're like a druid, in a way, crossed with a fighting-man. You eschew weapons so you can club people to death with tree branches and table legs more effectively.


A: Favorites, Spoil the Rod

B: Fought with Sticks and Stones

C: Wands, +1 Attack per Turn

D: Bite Down and Pray to God

Starting Skills (1d3): 1. Druid washout. 2. Bar brawler. 3. Carpenter.

Starting Equipment: Four Light sticks, a Light knife for whittlin', and some rough homespun clothing.

You get +1 to-hit with sticks for each template of Stick Fighter you have. Sticks are not a strongly-defined category, but for the purposes of this ability, a stick is an implement made primarily from wood. No metal caps, no nails, no blades, just strong tree-flesh for the striking or piercing surface. Tool handles, table legs, tree branches, and all lengths of poles are all generally good, along with boomerangs and their kin.

Favorites: Given an uninterrupted hour to appreciate a stick--feel for a good point to hold it from, give it some practice swings--you can mark it as a Favorite Stick. Favorite Sticks, in your hands, give you an additional +1 to-hit and are as durable as iron; it's all in the grip, you see. You can have a number of Favorite Sticks equal to the amount of Stick Fighter templates you have, plus one.

Spoil the Rod: And spare yourself. When wielding a Favorite Stick, you can shatter it:

1. On a successful Melee attack, doing maximum damage.


2. As a reaction to a successful Melee attack against yourself, completely negating the incoming damage.

Shattered sticks are beyond repair outside of arcane means, reduced to a pile of splinters.

Fought with Sticks and Stones: But sticks will win. Spoil the Rod now applies to Ranged attacks as well as Melee. It's all in the wrist movement, you see.

Wands: Wizards got one thing right: sticks can be magic. With an hour of work carving runes and shapes into a Favorite Stick, you can imbue it with one of the following properties:

1. Able to harm immaterial or otherwise weapon-immune beings. 

2. Explodes for a specific type of damage when shattered. A burst of fire, cold, electricity, etc cetera. No additional damage, just a change in type.

3. Allows wielders other than yourself to make use of Spoil the Rod while using this stick.

Each stick can only have one such property at a time.

Bite Down and Pray to God: Sometimes, the only thing that can take your mind off the pain is chewing into a fine piece of lumber. You can shatter a Favorite Stick you're wielding to automatically pass a Save. It's all in the bite force, you see.


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