Job 41:33 (GLOG race-as-class: Cocodril)

What even needs to be said? You are a pebbled worm, never to be smiled at. Any who know you fear you, and rightly so. You are a god of the river, an oasis king. The mighty cocodril has always been able to speak, but has never needed to, especially not to those chattering soft-skinned things that imagined themselves so important.

As time has passed, so too has your might. What was once an unstoppable terror of the water may now be slain with a common firearm. Your brethren hold harpoons in their skin, or grace the ceilings of collections.

Perhaps it is time to deign. Adapt to the world, man-eater, lest you become man-eaten.


Or allagarta, gharial, or other similar beast.

Starting skills: 1. Moral Philosophy. 2. Riddles. 3. Talking to Birds.

Starting items: hell no

Gain +2 MOVE per template.
A Curse on Four Legs, Death Roll
B River Thresher, +1 to hit
C  +2 HP, +1 to hit
Leviathan, +1 to hit

At template A, you are eight feet long and weigh 250 pounds. For each template you acquire past the first, you are four feet longer and twice as heavy, up to 20 feet and one ton of cold reptilian malice at template D.

Curse on Four Legs: At character creation, don't choose a race. You are a crocodilian of some sort, which entails many things. Your terrible snapping jaws are a heavy weapon which can be used while grappling, and your skin is as tough as medium armor. You can swim adeptly and hold your breath for an hour, or four if you sit still the whole time. Your stubby limbs are essentially useless for anything but moving you around. People will react to you the way most people would react if they saw a crocodile walking around: immediate terror, or cautious curiosity if there's someone pretending to be your owner. You can speak as most people do, although your voice wavers unpleasantly between hisses and bellows.

Death Roll: You have a new option on the grappling table, taking the same place as pinning: death roll. When you successfully death roll a target you're grappling with, they take damage equal to the difference between your MOVE rolls. If this damage is more than half their maximum HP, they must SAVE or have a limb of your choice torn off. This will cause most people to die immediately from shock or blood loss.

By Deus ex Parabola. Poorly edited by yours truly.

River Thresher: You may make an additional attack each round with your sweeping tail. This does 1d8 damage on a hit, and the target must make a MOVE check or be knocked prone. Your bite and tail-sweep attacks must be made against separate targets.

Leviathan: You are unstoppable, a monster worthy of being called giant. Your jaws are a natural massive weapon that can be used while grappling, your skin is as strong as heavy armor, and your tail does 1d10 damage. If you have not moved this round, you may sweep and bite the same target.

Also, you now have opposable thumbs.


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MORNING STARS (The Setting and the People in it)

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